
Do I Need Heat Pump Replacement in Palm Springs, FL?

Heat Pump Replacement Options

Despite many years of service, the heat pump in your Palm Springs, FL, home will reach a point when it can no longer meet your needs. It’s important to know when this time has arrived. Here are a few signs that you should invest in a heat pump replacement soon:

Age of the Heat Pump

Before even examining your heat pump to detect any unusual behavior, you should ask yourself one simple question: How old is it? Generally speaking, an air-source heat pump can remain functional for about 15 years, while a ground-source model may last for about 25 years.

Depending on your type of heat pump, it’ll be vastly more likely to experience serious trouble once it has moved beyond one or the other of these ages. The older your heat pump, the less effect each new round of repairs will have in restoring it to normal. Eventually, replacement may become the only rational choice.

Of course, these figures all assume that you’ve been providing your system with professional-grade tuneups at least once per year. If you haven’t been doing this, you may well need to replace it sooner, a fact which should further highlight the importance of maintenance.

Increasing Frequency of Heat Pump Repairs

We’ve mentioned that as a heat pump nears total breakdown, repairs will cease to be effective. While matters remain fundamentally sound, your heat pump shouldn’t require repairs more than once every few years. However, if you find yourself needing to have it fixed every few months, you should probably replace it instead.

Exploding Energy Bills

When your heat pump drifts into terminal decline, its efficiency levels will collapse. You’ll see this in the form of skyrocketing utility bills. Since it isn’t cost-effective to keep such a system around, a heat pump replacement may be the only sensible option available to you.

It’ll require judgment and insight to discern whether your heat pump is no longer fit for your purposes. Luckily, our team can help homeowners in Palm Springs, FL, figure out what to do. Call Temperature Control Solutions and ask for our heat pump services today.

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